Thursday, February 25, 2010

Like sand through the (leaky) hourglass.

I'm turning eighteen on the fourteenth of march. It's not cool by the way. I'm trying to be okay with it. I need all the support I can get these days, but everytime I try to reach out, I remember how hard it is to be asked for help when you your self need help. And everyone I know currently has their own "thing". The ones that don't have their own little battle to fight, happen to be on my nerves. yea, not even getting on them, they're on them.

Almun is starting again on Friday inshaa'allah, and I seriously can't wait. I miss everyone there and I miss talking about things that matter for a change. Amgad is moving out on the third of march inshaa'allah, and from then on, it just me, mom, and dad.

speaking of mom and dad, I have to go.

P.S: Unicef could actually be home. not Almun's unicef, the real one. it could be. it really could be.

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