Thursday, June 17, 2010


I grew up in a place where it wasn't exactly wise to do anything other than what you were told. I grew up in a battlefield of my own and I understood very well that I was not the most important thing in my family. I knew that at any moment someone would run out of people to hurt and it would be my cue to be prepared to hear things I didnt want to know. I grew up with an unwritten rule that some things can not be shared with my family, and it wasn't long before I learned that the other unwritten rule was to never try to break the unwritten rules. I look back at my self, and sometimes I can't even remember how I got through each day. I was taught that love is enough. Things will be okay because we all love eachother. My parents will stay together because they love us. We will forgive our parents because we love them. We will get over our little fights with eachother, because brothers and sisters just love eachother, it's what they do. We will sit at the dinner table every evening and eat together, because we love eachother. We will take back all the insults the next morning because we love eachother. We will still let that last Mango rot in the fridge because we think the other should eat it, because we love eachother. And we will still hurt eachother, more than we can even bare, because we love eachother.

So, here I am, asking yet another question I dare not ask my family.

What is love?

And if love really was enough, then why do I feel betrayed by the system?


  1. just What i feel right now ..

  2. The system is not fair to begin with
    Don't expect much from a fallen world
    Work your ways through it, or give up
